Orchestrate and automate experience across your user journey.
Get real-time audience and content insights that predict behavior and drive results. By visualizing those results across content, campaigns and audiences, you’ll identify the content and experiences that convert.
Leverage first-party data, real-time custom segments and lookalike audiences to target based on profile, content, behavior, device and propensity. Export segments for every major ad platform.
Propel personalised engagement based on audience, page and behavior, to drive a continuous user journey. Leverage AI-based content recommendations and build digital custom experiences by audience, page, channel, campaign or content.
Surface the next best offer to drive the next best action, automating experiences and predicting results. Increase interactions, options, form submits, sign-ups, registrations, trials, memberships and subscriptions.
Power multiple revenue streams - including advertising, subscription and single purchase content bundles. Power dynamic subscription strategies, enable frictionless wallet payments and increase CPM with contextual targeting.
Optimize your user experience and results by split testing your strategies, messaging and entire customer journey. Measure and automate your top-performing experiences, leverage established best practices and benchmarks to set targets and goals.
With AudTract, build and share targeted audiences in just
a few clicks and increase your top line revenue.